

AuraTransformation™ is an energy treatment method that powerfully activates the influx of the New Time energy. An AuraTransformation provides a permanent and radical expansion of your personal consciousness creating synergy between your charisma, drive, intuition and physical actions. It enable the spirit energy of a person’s aura to the new powerful Indigo and Crystal energy impulses on the planet. The AuraTransformation and the consciousness expansion that it creates can bring about many beneficial changes. It dramatically reinforces the impact of the interface between your individual energy field and physical reality. Therefore, you will naturally and easily become less troubled by either the small or large challenges that may have appeared to be coming from outside yourself and your energy will no longer unconsciously fuel hidden agendas/programs that your true self does not condone. This releases a clear stream of energy from a reservoir that was formerly blocked, stagnant, and murky. You obviously become more happy and focused.

An AuraTransformation can only be carried out by a highly qualified Aura Mediator. The Aura Mediator works with pure balanced energy during the AuraTransformation. This energy will be integrated into the client’s own energy system. The format of an AuraTransformation is that we would have a free 15 min preliminary phone call to see if AuraTransformation is for you , and then there will be two sessions of 3 hours and 2 hours to complete the AT process . It is especially useful for parents of the incoming crystal children so that they can fully align their energies together in resonance with the New Time Energies.

To read more on Aura Transformation please visit:

Price- £333