An invitation for women to enter the Temple of the Magdalene Mysteries and to pilgrimage into the Womb Medicine Wheel.

Welcome to your sacred journey into the heart of your feminine power and beauty. This odyssey will take you through the mystical gateways of your womb, each of which contain a magical frequency of consciousness for you to embody. Our pilgrimage into the 8 grail gates of the womb opens the sacred doorway to reclaim our primordial feminine creative power. This remembrance births a pristine state of embodied consciousness, that honours life and awakens the frequency of sacred union. The Ancients lived by a feminine Womb Cosmology of creation, where everything was birthed and dissolved through a sacred womb space, in waves of cosmic creative cycles. The awesome power of the Cosmic Womb that birthed All is held in your own womb – a holographic blueprint of the Womb of Creation that connects each of us to the web of life. This encodes the deepest mysteries and meaning of existence. As we re-imprint the cellular memory of the womb, so we reclaim our voice, our creativity and the pristine innocence of our sensual nature.

During this two day workshop, we will gather in ceremony as a circle of women, connecting our hearts, wombs and voices in prayer and devotion. We will work with embodied ritual, somatic practices and mythical archetype as we journey through the Grail Gates. We will sing sacred women’s songs together, and dance our heartfelt prayers alive.

Nalini is a fully qualified Womb Awakening practitioner, having apprenticed with Seren and Dr Azra Bertrand, authors of the book ‘Womb Awakening’, completing their teacher training on Big Island, Hawaii in 2017.

Georgie and Nalini on Big Island, Hawaii


‘We can remember through the unbroken genetic thread that goes back to the ancient mothers and their awakened wombs '– Seren and Dr. Azra Bertrand, “Pilgrimage Into the Womb”

This is a ceremonial initiation of ancient love and remembrance of your feminine essence. A feminine soul retrieval. Invoking the lineages of Isis and Magdalene-Sophia, to which Nalini is deeply connected, we journey together along the red thread that weaves us back to temple rites of the ancient Priestesshood, in order to retrieve and reclaim what may have been long forgotten or suppressed. It is here that we reclaim our magic, our power and our sovereignty. The session is sensitively and intuitively guided by Nalini, using shamanic drum, voice, anointing oils and womb meditations.